Legalcoms is a comprehensive, end to end online case management solution
designed to speed up the case movement and enhance the productivity of legal practitioners
Case and client database
management system
Hearing history, current status and futurehearing updation system
LEGALCOMS will notify the clients about
the hearing sessions on time.
Detailed case histories will be
always available one click away.
Cases number,date,type etc
wise filtering system
Automation of A to Z legal process.
Enter once. Retrieve,Edit,Add and generate 'THUND' or other reports whenever necessary.
Access from anywhere through cell phone or computer.
Time is money for any service professional. LegalComs is an Excellent timesaver.
Book your appointments online. Slots will be automatically generated.
LegalComs Calendar reminds you everything.
Data protection through powerful encryption and privilege settings.
Client can access the case progress and updation by using client login.
Delegate works to subordinates easily.
LegalComs enables an advocate to serve more go Global.